Package me.desair.tus.server.exception
Class InvalidTusResumableException
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Exception thrown when receiving a request with a tus protocol version we do not support
The Tus-Resumable header MUST be included in every request and response except for OPTIONS requests. The value MUST be the version of the protocol used by the Client or the Server. If the the version specified by the Client is not supported by the Server, it MUST respond with the 412 Precondition Failed status and MUST include the Tus-Version header into the response. In addition, the Server MUST NOT process the request.
The Tus-Resumable header MUST be included in every request and response except for OPTIONS requests. The value MUST be the version of the protocol used by the Client or the Server. If the the version specified by the Client is not supported by the Server, it MUST respond with the 412 Precondition Failed status and MUST include the Tus-Version header into the response. In addition, the Server MUST NOT process the request.
- See Also:
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class me.desair.tus.server.exception.TusException
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
addSuppressed, fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, getSuppressed, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Constructor Details